Calumet Skunk

  • Species: Striped Skunk 
  • Pronouns: she/her 
  • Body: Feminine Female (cis female) 
  • Age: Adult 
  • Height: 6 Heads high (5’ 2”) 
  • Weight: 275 lbs 
  • Alignment: Neutral Good 
  • Attracted to: Males 
  • Birthplace: Exeter, Forest Region 
  • Currently resides: Scarborough, Forest Region 
  • Likes: Marshmallows, Dancing, Music 
  • Dislikes: Thunder and Lightning, being hated for being a skunk


Calumet is a fat, curvy, female anthropomorphic skunk. She has dark grey fur, and a white strip running from her nose up around and down the middle of her back, splitting into two stripes at her tail. She has a silver earring in her left ear, and glasses on her muzzle. She has green eyes, and mallard green eyeshadow and claws. She wears a silver beaded bracelet on her left wrist.


Calumet is a free spirit, friendly, and warm. Always curious around new people, plants and lands. She can be a bit sassy and playful at times, but never mean spirited about it. It does make her upset when other animals ostracize her for being a skunk. She loves music and performing.


Skunks in the world tend to be ostracized over their scent spray. While they can consciously control it, there are times under social stress where they cannot. Because of that, skunks tend to keep to their own species. In recent years skunks at a young age tend to undergo a surgical procedure to remove the scent glands from their body to help them socially with the other animals. While some skunks have their scent glands intact, Calumet had hers removed as a young kit.

Calumet was a curious little kit when she was little, always wanting to meet new animals. However she quickly learned that other animals are mistrustful of skunks. It hurt her badly as a child knowing she wasn’t welcome among other animals. While she had plenty of skunk friends growing up, the idea that mephit-kind was hated by others always hurt deep in her heart.

As she came of age she turned to music to help express herself and her feelings. She learned to play string instruments from other skunk musicians in her village. It was her love of music that led her to meet Cicero Skunk, a male skunk who plays the drums. They teamed up, singing about the tales of yore and mephit folk tales. Nowadays, she is a bard and has a band with her mate Cicero. She plays string instruments while Cicero sings and plays the drums. The two met at a drum circle group meditation, and they quickly became friends and later mates. They sing and perform together in their travels.