Charlotte Dragoness, Marie the Foxy and all their friends live in an alt-earth world named Emeraldshire. It is a world of anthropomorphic animals instead of humans. Humans do not exist in this world. There is a diverse set of animals in each village, and animals live together in harmony, for the most part without speciesism.
The current version of the story of my characters adn their world dates back to 2021 when I first began to collate all the aspects of their world. During a lengthy unemployment period in 2022 I gathered all the information together such as the culture, the various regions, the spirituality, and so on.
For a more in depth look, I sell a PDF copy of my guide to Emeraldshire for $5 in my shop.
The origin of Emeraldshire and its history.
The varied regions that make up the planet.
Learn about the magic and spirituality of Emeraldshire!
A summary of the other aspects of Emeraldshire culture.
Bios of Marie, Charlotte, Aurora, and all the rest of their friends and foes.