Regions and Villages

Marie the Foxy and her friends mostly live in the northern regions of Forest, Upper Forest, and Plains. The villages in the areas take place names from locations in the British isles and French names. The village Marie lives in, is called Scarborough and it is located in the forest region.

Travel and trade does exist between the regions to an extent, however certain animals can not travel to certain regions due to the fact their bodies are unable to adapt to the conditions and they will likely suffer in the area. For example, an arctic wolf cannot visit the desert region in the summer, but can survive in the plains region. Most reptilians cannot travel to the colder climates, dragons are a notable exception to this. Some can survive in southern parts of the forest region if they have enough subcutaneous fat to keep their bodies warm, and they stay inside during snowstorms. Modern climate control such as air conditioning does not exist in this world. Heating is done by fireplace. Couriers will plan their trips to arrive in the summer of the tundra or the winter of the desert or tropics to prevent being exposed to the harshest temperatures of each respective regions.

Those from other regions are often welcomed and looked at with a novel curiosity. Xenophobia is frowned upon in this world, and everyone is respected regardless of species or origin. People will often ask about how things are in those regions, and even a merchant who isn’t a bard by trade might have plenty of stories to tell of their travels.



Villages are the main places where animals live on Emeraldshire. It is a collectivist communtiy similar to an Israeli Kibbutz. It is usually comprised of various small huts and a large "ceremonal house" type hut, usually the home of the elders and the chief. Animals in Emeraldshire live in small huts either at ground level, built into hillsides or caves, or huts built into the trees, depending on the region. They are mostly used for sleeping and storing items. Most of life in Emeraldshire is spent outdoors, their day to day activities and socializing is outside.