There are four main languages, Mammilian, Reptilian, Draconic, and Ornithian. Mammalian language formed as a synthesis of sounds, taking advantage of the similar sounds that come from very different face and vocal structures. Now a fox and a rabbit can mutually understand each other. Birds speak Ornithian which is similar to mammalian but more “sing songy” sounding. Reptiles speak reptilian which is nearly identical to mammalian save for some vocabulary, and both can understand each other relatively well. Dragons speak Draconic, a very old language dating back to their feral times. Their head and vocal structures make it difficult for them to speak mammalian. They can but it sounds accented. They are able to understand it if a mammal speaks to them.
The dragons of Emeraldshire are anthropomorphic and are based on Western/European dragons of legend on earth. Each dragon’s scale colors determine its element, each element is a subspecies of dragon, and they have physical adaptations for the different regions they live in. They are considered reptilians, despite having very different physiology to your typical lizard or croc. Eastern Dragons and Serpentine dragons do not exist in this world. Dragons like other creatures have a very small sexual dimorphism, and really slight differences in the curves and the size of breast tissue is the main way to tell males or females. Keep in mind sex and gender are very much irrelevant to dragons and dragons using magick and surgery are able to change their sex and gender if they desire to. There are no specific male roles or female roles like you would see in the humans on earth. Dragon metabolisms are much slower than mammals, hence why a lot of dragons in this world look corpulent. Fire dragons typically are black, red, or orange. Air Dragons are yellow or white. Earth/Forest Dragons are shades of green or brown. Water dragons are shades of blue or violet. The very rare Celestial Dragons typically are indigo or purple.
Emeraldshire society is very liberated sexually and sex positive. It is the opposite of the puritanical western society on earth which uses antiquated religion to suppress people. The naked body is not seen as sexual, as animals across the world are nude and naturist. Platonic hugs and cuddles are very common among friends. It is not considered “cheating” unless actual intercourse occurs. Love is a very sacred thing, considered the most powerful emotion. Interspecies couples do exist, despite the fact they are not able to produce offspring. Hybrids do not exist in this world. Same Sex couples are fully accepted, to be gay, lesbian, bi, etc is not seen as unusual. There is not a need to “come out” because there is no reason to be closeted in the first place here. Changing sex and gender is also much easier in this world. Sexual dimorphism is very small compared to humans. There is magick and surgical procedures to complete the transformation. It is also fully accepted, especially since there is full equality of the sexes and genders..