Magic and Spirituality

Unlike earth, the magick in Emeraldshire is much more potent. It is energy based, such as energy balls and beams. For example, things such as shapeshifting, levitation, or moving between realms are possible here as opposed to earth. High level magick such as telekinesis, pyrokinesis, manipulating water and the ground itself is possible here. Culturally their spirituality is similar to Wicca on earth, so they are all witches to an extent, but the word witch or witchcraft isn’t really used there since this sort of magick work isn’t limited to witches, everyone does it. So to an extent there are no witches and at the same time everyone is a witch, depending on the way you look at it.

It is a very personal spirituality, with people revering and asking the spirits in nature or their ancestors on their own rather than being in a temple or church. It is polytheistic and animist. It is believed that spirits exist in an area, as a guardian of that region. Offerings are left for them at festivals or on full moons.


here are six major festivals (holidays), four of which revolve around the changing of the seasons. The other two are a fertility festival of the beginning of life, and the other is a festival of the dearly departed. They are similar to the Wiccan sabbats on earth. With the exception of Imbolc and Lammas, those arent in the Emeraldshire calendar.

Priests and Shamans

There are Priests and Shaman elders that are specially trained in the use of the high level magick. Low level magick such as spell work and holiday rituals can be performed by any person with knowledge of how to do it, ensuring care is taken to prevent the spell from backfiring on you if done wrong or done for the wrong reasons. Shaman Elders can shape shift into other animals and trees, go between the world of the living and the astral, as well as channel spirits of those who have departed. They can also exorcize bad spirits and energy from an area. Priests are the teachers and experts of low level magick, always around to teach the populace of how to do things and offer basic guidance. They are trained from apprenticeships by a shaman elder. Shamans are trained by elders who are masters in the techniques of high level magick. The apprenticeship to be a shaman is quite grueling and not everyone is cut out for it.

Sex and gender have no bearing on aptitude or magical ability. Nor does species with the exception of dragons as they tend to be naturally stronger in their magic.