Julia Blue Jay

  • Species: Blue Jay 
  • Pronouns: She/her 
  • Body: Feminine Female (cis female) 
  • Age: Young Adult 
  • Height: 5 1/2 heads high (5’ 0”) 
  • Weight: 180 lbs 
  • Alignment: True Neutral 
  • Attracted to: Both Sexes 
  • Birthplace: Rutland, Plains Region 
  • Currently resides: Nomadic 
  • Likes: Traveling, Singing, Sunsets 
  • Dislikes: Snow, Thunderstorms, Wind


Julia is an anthropomorphic blue jay. Her plumage is light blue and white in the standard blue jay pattern. Her beak is grey. She has green eyes and wears lavender eye shadow. Her feet and legs have the same grey color as her beak. She has cartoon-style wing fingers. She wears an anklet on her left ankle made from various stones she picked up in her travels.


Julia is positive and upbeat, she is generally level-headed and keeps to herself. She has a flighty, free-spirited nature about her, but that is typical of most Ornithians. She has a good memory and remembers the people she meets along the way.


Julia Blue Jay is a courier that travels from town to town delivering good tidings to all. She loves to sing in her free time, her vocals impressed seasoned bards such as Calumet and Cicero Skunk. Ornithians (the Emeraldshire term for anthropomorphic birds) often travel during the season changes, especially if they live in colder climates. This tends to be why many Ornithians are couriers because they already live a semi-nomadic life.

Her childhood was your typical blue jay childhood, free spirited, and full of wonder and creativity. Her parents were traveling artisans, which meant the family moved around a lot, making it difficult for Julia to form long lasting friendships growing up. Nowadays she is good friends with the skunk bard troupe of Calumet and Cicero after seeing them a lot in her travels, since they seemed to wind up in many of the same places she would travel to.
